Rainbow - The Best Of

1987 - 88.
It was in the college festivals that I first heard of this group - in fact I did not know about the group really - I heard their most popular number 'Temple of the King'. For sure Katalog and Sunil Pradhan sang this song in the college festivals. It had a nice sound. Other numbers would be Deep Purple's Smoke in the Water etc.

I have no idea where I bought this tape from but the only one song I remember from this album is 'The Temple of the King'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z57DecvToDw (Temple of the King)

The song is as good now as it was then to listen to. The rest of the album is forgettable for me.

Anyways, it was the engineering college days, so I was high on life,  not knowing if I was coming or going, no focus.


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