Neil Diamond - 12 Greatest Hits

Neil Diamond reminds me of two people. Mani aka Dr Satyanath who shared an assorted tape with me which had this wonderful single 'America' in 1982 in my 10th class. Neil Diamond's baritone and the lovely rising crescendo of America stayed imprinted in my mind forever. (America)

And then I met Madhav and Vardha and Ranjan and the HPS boys were big on Neil Diamond. Madhav specially was a big fan and he would sing some great numbers in the tuneless fashion of his. Many an evening did we spend in Vardha's cigarette smoke filled room in the mid 1980s listening to these numbers sung loudly by us. Anyway thanks to everyone, we ended up listening to several hits of Neil Diamond over the years. Big hits being 'Sweet Caroline', 'Cracklin Rose', 'Soolaimon'. I also remember a song by him - 'Ebony and Ivory' - which I didn't like too much.

Several cassettes lost, until I found a greatest hits tape and that remained with me. Dedicated to Madhav for his tuneless singing!


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